Perusall - How do I sync grades from Perusall to Canvas as an instructor - Canvas Skip to main content

Perusall – How do I sync grades from Perusall to Canvas as an instructor

If you would like to automatically sync the average of all Perusall assignments to a single gradebook column in Canvas, launch into Perusall:

  1. Select Settings
  2. Click Scoring 
  3. Click Grade sync to LMS 
  4. Click Automatically sync students’ average scores to LMS
  5. Click Save changes.

If you would like to sync individual assignment scores to multiple columns in the Canvas gradebook, launch into Perusall:

  1. Settings
  2. Scoring
  3. Grade sync to LMS
  4. Automatically sync students’  scores to LMS
  5. Save changes.

In either case, there is no need to create individual Canvas assignments for each Perusall assignment; however, if you would like to do so, you can create Canvas assignments that are “deep links” into the corresponding Perusall assignment.

  1. Create your assignment in Perusall first
  2. Navigate to the assignment creation page in Canvas and select External tool for Submission Type.
  3. Click Find and then click the blue magnifying glass next to Perusall.
  4. Perusall will present you with a list of assignments you have created in your Perusall course; select one of them to match the Canvas assignment with the corresponding Perusall assignment.