Piazza - Canvas Skip to main content


Piazza is a Q&A platform and is integrated in Canvas. With it, instructors are able to use the power of community to help students learn since it features a Wiki style format that enables collaboration in a single space. Instructors and students can add questions, posts or polls for the class to view and/or answer. Instructors can endorse high quality answers to keep the class on track and you can easily customize online polls to suit their needs.

Piazza can be added to any Canvas course site by enabling the tool in the course navigation. Piazza is an ad-supported tool.

Note: In the contribution-supported model, Piazza will add prompts in the product asking our users to make an optional financial contribution if Piazza has delivered value to them. Users who make a contribution will not see these prompts again for the remainder of that term. Alternatively, instructors or departments may purchase a license.

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