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The integration provides an additional method of sharing cloud-based documents with your online course.

Use this app to allow students to submit their homework assignments via their Box account. Instructors can also embed files into pages and modules using this tool and utilize Box Embed functionality within your courses; thereby allowing instructors to centralize revisions via This app can be installed at either the course-level by an Instructor or use deep linking within modules.

Instructors can use their workflow to manage versions of documents shared across many Canvas sites. With the Box integration, large files shared via Box are not included in the course size limit. Instructors can add students as editors to their Box folders to allow the students to add additional resources to the class folder.  Instructors can use Box to share folders with other instructors teaching similar classes.  To get started, enable Box to your course navigation.  To add files to Canvas page, discussion, or announcement, using the Rich Content Editor, click on the More External Tools icon and select Box.  Use the dialog to share a file with your course. You can also add Box files to Modules by clicking on “external tool.”

For Canvas assignments, please set the submission type to “Online” and “File Uploads” so your students can submit documents from their Box account. It is not recommended to set the Canvas Assignment Submission Type to “External Tool” for Box.  You may use the Rich Content Editor and select “More External Tools” to post assignment directions from your Box account.

Students can submit assignments that are available in their Box accounts. Just click on “Submit Assignment” and select the Box tab.  This allows students to complete assignments on a variety of devices, giving Rutgers students more flexibility.

Rutgers University has an enterprise license for Box.  Please create your account.

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