Adobe Creative Cloud
Adobe Creative Cloud and Creative Cloud Express provide creative apps that empowers students and instructors to develop powerful presentations, photography, illustrations, movies and videos, and web ...
Adobe Creative Cloud and Creative Cloud Express provide creative apps that empowers students and instructors to develop powerful presentations, photography, illustrations, movies and videos, and web ...
ALEKS helps students master course topics through a continuous cycle of mastery, knowledge retention, and positive feedback. ALEKS is a research-based, online learning program that offers course ...
ProQuest's Alexander Street service provides curated, discipline-focused, primary-source collections, websites, and streaming media for learning and research. The collections deliver previously ...
The integration provides an additional method of sharing cloud-based documents with your online course. Use this app to allow students to submit their homework assignments via their Box ...
Cengage Learning is an integrated, web-based textbook that includes an interactive, multimedia resources, flashcards and quizzes for use in higher education courses across all disciplines. Please ...
Cisco Webex is a synchronous meeting application to promote remote and online learning. As part of the Rutgers enterprise Webex license, Canvas instructors can schedule Webex meetings and ...
Codon Learning is a courseware platform that helps students learn how to learn in the context of their coursework by developing metacognition and more effective study strategies. Codon’s goal is to ...
Elsevier Evolve Link is an integrated, textbook that supports students in the Health Sciences. Some Elsevier Evolve products include adaptive learning to personalize education to learn faster and ...
Gradescope is a feedback and assessment tool that dramatically reduces the pain and time associated with grading exams, homework, and other assignments. Gradescope is widely used for delivering ...
The Hypothesis LMS app brings discussion directly to course content by enabling students and teachers to add comments and start conversations in the margins of their texts. Collaborative annotation ...
iClickers allow instructors to ask questions and gather student responses during a lecture. Clicker systems are also commonly called Classroom Response Systems, or Audience Response ...
Navigate, from Jones and Bartlett Learning, provides interactive content aligned with course objectives. Online ebooks are paired with interactive tools. Students can evaluate comprehension of ...
Kaltura provides many applications that allow you to create, capture, edit and publish videos from anywhere! With Kaltura Personal Capture, you can create recordings of your lectures, screen captures ...
Knewton provides adaptive learning technology to personalize educational. Combined with Knewton's Alta product that uses open educational resources, Knewton Alta provides course content, quizzes, and ...
LabArchives is a content and data management platform and also includes an integrate digital lab notebook module. This service allows instructors to add their lab manual, integrate an OpenStax ...
Labster offers students a true-to-life lab experience at a fraction of the cost of a real lab. Instructors can supplement your teaching with virtual labs to prepare students for the wet lab, to help ...
Please contact Rutgers University Libraries for more information. Powered by Leganto, Library Reading Lists allows instructors to create and manage course reading lists that include books and ...
Powered by Springshare, this app allows instructors to easily integrate library research guides into their online courses. Research guides are pathfinders created by library experts to help students ...
LinkedIn Learning is an online educational platform that helps you and your students discover and develop business, technology-related, and creative skills through expert-led course videos. Many of ...
LiveText by Watermark is an online e-portfolio that also functions as an assessment tool. Academic units often use LiveText for program assessment and accreditation through the use of prescribed ...
Lucid Visual Collaboration Suite is a platform that helps teams collaborate visually to plan, design, build and launch solutions. It combines two products: Lucidchart and Lucidspark. Lucidchart ...
Lumen Waymaker is an open educational resource that provides affordable course materials to users. Lumen Learning provides interactive learning, online homework, and personalized feedback to help ...
Macmillan Learning's institutional solutions are designed to engage learners through tools for pre-class learning, in-class engagement, and post-class assessment. Macmillan Learning etextbooks and ...
Marketplace Simulations allow students to experiment with business strategies, test business ideas, and experience the consequences of their actions in a virtual business environment. As students ...
MathWorks self-paced online training courses allow students to learn MATLAB and Simulink at their own pace. MATLAB®, Simulink®, Stateflow®, and Simscape™ are tools for designing systems, ...
Canvas supports an LTI integration with Microsoft Office 365 in Assignments, Collaborations, Modules, Course Navigation, and the Rich Content Editor. This integration allows students and instructors ...
Microsoft Teams has partnered with Instructure, the parent company of Canvas, to ensure that students and instructors stay connected in more ways — you can now easily create online meetings ...
McGraw-Hill Campus integrates all of your digital products from McGraw-Hill Education for quick and easy access to content and learning tools. McGraw-Hill Campus integration provides users single ...
McGraw Hill GO is an easy-to-use and quick to set up eBook+ that lives within your Canvas course. GO makes it easier to keep up with progress and direct attention where it matters. Features ...
myBusinessCourse is a complete, secure, web-based training and e-Learning solution. There is nothing to download or install; it is accessible through any modern web browser, most mobile devices, and ...
Packback is an AI-supported online discussion platform that enables curiosity-based student discussion. Packback delivers a method of scaling feedback through the use of algorithmic coaching or AI. ...
Pearson Access provides instructors with the ability to link their Canvas course to Pearson content and activities through the MyLab, Mastering, eText, and Revel Pearson products. This fully digital, ...
Perusall is an e-book platform that that allows students to be prepared for every class. Perusall increases student engagement, collaboration, and community with the only social annotation platform ...
Piazza is a Q&A platform and is integrated in Canvas. With it, instructors are able to use the power of community to help students learn since it features a Wiki style format that enables ...
PowToon is a free and easy to use integration in Kaltura Rutgers Media Space (RMS) and Canvas for the creation of animated videos and presentations. Done for you, ready-made templates to create ...
Text-to-speech technology by ReadSpeaker has been made available to all Canvas Users. It does not require software downloaded to your computer, and can be accessed on any internet-connected ...
Respondus 4.0 is an assessment authoring tool that also allows you to easily manage your assessments and import them into Canvas. With Respondus 4.0, instructors can create test banks by using the ...
Rutgers NetID Lookup, powered by Rutgers LDAP, is only available to Rutgers Canvas users who have a Canvas Admin role and an active CAS session. Users who have been logged into Canvas for a long ...
SAGE Vantage is an intuitive digital platform that blends trusted SAGE content with auto-graded assignments, all carefully designed to ignite student engagement and drive critical thinking. Built ...
Top Hat’s in-class teaching platform brings active learning into the classroom to help faculty achieve their course goals. Top Hat is an end-to-end teaching solution where students are engaged in ...
EchoEngage (PointSolutions / EchoPoll), a powerful way of making presentations more immersive with creative engaging interactive experiences. Straight forward response technology. You can ask a ...
Turnitin's Feedback Studio is an effective online technology used to manage the submission, tracking and evaluation of student papers online. Feedback Studio provides originality checking, ...
Turnitin Draft Coach™ offers students real-time feedback on their writing in ScarletApps Google Docs. With the Draft Coach™ extension enabled in Google Docs, students are offered guidance on how ...
VitalSource allows students and instructors to access textbooks online, offline and via mobile applications. VitalSource works with over 1000 publishers to extend the availability of etexts beyond ...
W.W. Norton Publishing digital learning tools integrate with Canvas to enable single sign-on between Canvas and Norton learning tools and automatic grade passback from Norton learning tools to your ...
This online teaching and learning environment integrates the entire digital textbook with the most effective instructor and student resources to fit every learning style. Instructors are able to ...
Yellowdig’s Engage digital platform is designed to build learning communities by combining the power of gameful learning principles with a social media interface. Yellowdig Engage supports active ...
Search publicly available YouTube videos. Look for the YouTube icon in your course rich editor to search YouTube and click to embed videos in your course materials, discussion and quiz replies, or ...
Zoom is a synchronous meeting application that allows: Instructors to create, manage and launch Zoom meetings from within your Canvas course. Instructors to host recurring Office Hours across ...
zyBooks are fully interactive, web-native learning solutions created in the ‘less text, more action’ pedagogy that empower student engagement and success through animations, learning questions, ...