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Zoom Recording Playback Issue Resolved


As previously announces, Canvas students were unable to playback Zoom recordings. Overnight, Zoom released a fix for this issue.  When students click to launch a Zoom recording, the passcode is … Read More

Restoring Assign-To (Assignment Overrides)

Resulting from the system event over the weekend, Instructure has begun additional restoration of Assign to (assignment overrides). We continue to explore the restoration of outstanding Canvas Groups, Scheduler Appointment … Read More

Issues with Canvas (Assign-To, Accommodations)

Instructors that have used the Assign-to function to allow specific students to complete Assignments, Discussions or Quizzes at different dates/times from the rest of the class such as for an accommodation or make-up exam may … Read More

Kaltura Services Restored


Starting around 8:41 PM EST on January 23, 2023, users were unable to play videos in Kaltura via Mediaspace and the integration in Rutgers Canvas. At 1:22 PM, Kaltura engineers … Read More

Canvas Operating Normally

At of 2:07 pM EST, Instructure identified increased errors which are causing slowness and errors when accessing Canvas. Users received an error message stating “This website is under heavy load … Read More

Errors Accessing Canvas – September 21, 2022

As of 2:07 pM EST, Instructure identified increased errors which are causing slowness and errors when accessing Canvas. Currently, this has resulted in users receiving an error message stating “This … Read More

Canvas Provisioning is the integration between Canvas LMS and Rutgers Course Scheduling and Student Information Systems. The current supported systems are REGIS and BANNER.

The Canvas Provisioning services are developed and maintained by the Office of Information Technology (OIT) – Enterprise Application Services.


Canvas Provisioning Process

Canvas provisioning handles the daily creation and management of courses, sections, users, and enrollments in Canvas. This process is handled in separate jobs every morning (7 days a week).

The time schedule below represents when the upload begins, processing times will vary depending on Canvas and how many active terms are running.

  • 5:30AM ET – Update Demographic Base Sites Students
  • 6:45AM ET – Update Courses and Sections
  • 7:00AM ET – Canvas NetID Activation
  • 7:45AM ET – Update Instructors and Course Coordinators Assignments
  • 8:30AM ET – Update Mirror Site Enrollments
  • 8:45AM ET – Update Students Enrollments**

** RBHS have multiple terms running at the same time. It may take up to one hour for this update to finish in Canvas.

Courses and Sections

The Courses and Sections job extracts active offerings from the Rutgers course scheduling systems and creates a single Canvas course site with one section for each RegIndex/CRN.

  • This job only adds new Canvas sites. This job does not delete Canvas sites if a class is canceled or changed inside the course scheduling system.
  • If a school changes the section number or regIndex/CRN, a separate course and section will be created. The inactive course and section will remain in Canvas.
  • Only the OIT Administrators and Canvas help desk have the permissions to delete courses and sections.


Canvas NetID Activation

The Canvas NetID Activation job extracts newly activated or recently updated NetIDs at Rutgers and creates the user account in Canvas. User accounts are set up for active Students, Faculty, Staff, and Guests. Most of NetID’s will added to Canvas within 24 hours after activation. Additional information can be found on the Rutgers NetID website.

If you are unable to use your NetID to log into Canvas after 48 hours, please contact the Canvas help desk at


Instructor and Course Coordinator Assignments

The Enroll Instructor and CC job extracts assigned Instructor’s NetIDs from SRDB – Future Course Offering (FCO) / BANNER – Meeting times and Instructor. The assigned Instructor NetID will be added with the “teacher” course role inside the Canvas section.

  • Departmental administrators or course editors with access to edit CourseAtlas or BANNER can add an Instructor for Canvas. Once a change inside the course scheduling system is made, the assigned NetID will be added to the Canvas site the next day.
  • If any instructor assigned to a section is removed at a later date, Canvas will drop the instructor from the Canvas site. If the instructor has already started editing the course site, they will need to contact the help desk or Canvas admin to regain access.

Important: This job relies on Canvas to perform the diffing for instructor enrollments. This means Rutgers sends a file to Canvas listing who currently assigned as an instructor. Any change in the file from the previous file submitted will result in Canvas adding or deleting that instructor enrollment record.


Student Enrollments

The Enroll Student job extracts the rosters from REGIS and BANNER. Students on the roster will be added with the “student” course role inside the Canvas section.

  • The data source for student enrollments is updated once in the early morning. Any new registrations after this refresh period will not show up until the next day.  Students should expect to see their registered courses listed on their Canvas account within 24 hours** of registration.

** Majority of rosters in Canvas will update within the 24 hour timeframe. However student that registers for a course between 1:00AM – 7:00AM ET will be delayed until the following day.

Important: This job relies on Canvas to perform the diffing for student enrollments. This means Rutgers sends a file to Canvas listing who currently on the RegIndex or CRN roster. Any change in the file from the previous file submitted will result in Canvas adding or deleting that student enrollment record.


Frequently Asked Questions