PlayPosit Requirements for Spring & Summer 2025 Instructors - Canvas Skip to main content

PlayPosit Requirements for Spring & Summer 2025 Instructors


On August 28, 2024, PlayPosit released a patch into Rutgers production instance.  This patch was to prevent a second account creation and validate that all grades were sent to the Canvas gradebook. As a reminder, all users who have not accessed PlayPosit since the LTI v1.3 upgrade on May 10, 2024 are required to launch each PlayPosit assignment.  When a course instructor launches a PlayPosit assignment, actions include: 

  • Migrating the current PlayPosit content to use the latest LTI standards.
  • Automatically check for grades that have not been sent to the Canvas gradebook. 

For instructors who have launched each individual and have past due assignments, instructors can do the following:

  • For past assignments, launch the Monitor page in PlayPosit and manually sync by selecting Sync Grade to push the grades to the gradebook. Note, it may take a few minutes to sync all the grades to the Canvas gradebook.
  • If students received late deductions for previous assignments, instructors can edit the due dates within the assignment settings to remove the deducted points

Note, for Canvas assignments linked to PlayPosit with multiple attempts, it is recommended:

  • Adjust the number of attempts in Canvas assignments to be unlimited . The number of “attempts” in Canvas reflect the number of times the grades can be synced.
  • Adjust the number of attempts in PlayPosit based on the number of retakes they would like learners to have on the bulb.

Canvas assignments that have migrated to LTI v1.3 will automatically sync grades to Canvas until the assignment due date. If instructors sync grades after the due date set, grades that have not passed to the gradebook will be marked late regardless of the timestamp of the student’s submissions in PlayPosit. When a submission is marked late in the gradebook, points may be deducted from the student’s grade. If instructor wish to bulk remove late points, the instructor can edit the due date with in the assignment settings.

If you experience any issues, please reach out to the Rutgers Canvas Help Desk at 833-648-4357 or email