Upcoming Feature Release for Kaltura - Canvas Skip to main content

Upcoming Feature Release for Kaltura


On August 22, 2022, Rutgers Kaltura will be upgraded to the latest learning tools standards. LTI 1.3 will provide greater security and ease of use for users.

What is changing?

  • My Media will be renamed My Kaltura Media and Course Gallery will be renamed Kaltura Course Gallery to reduce confusion.
  • My Kaltura Media will move from the course navigation to the global navigation to reduce confusion with a Kaltura Course Gallery.
  • Users may publish media from My Kaltura Media to multiple Kaltura Course Galleries within Canvas.
  • Users may import (publish) all media from one Kaltura Course Gallery into another Kaltura Course Gallery.
  • Upgrades to Browse-Search-Embed will allow users to search My Kaltura Media, Kaltura Course Gallery, and Kaltura Playlists to embed in Canvas.

What is not changing?

Instructure, the parent company of Canvas, and Kaltura have built into the upgrade the ability for Kaltura v1.3 to support embed codes for Kaltura v1.1. Course editors do not have to re-embed their Kaltura content at this time.

What actions do I need to take?

  • After the upgrade, please verify your Kaltura content embedded on pages and assignments and posted in Kaltura Course Galleries is present and playable.
  • Manage your course navigation to move Kaltura Course Gallery to a prominent position, if you use it in your course. (It is a good practice to post all content in Modules and hide Assignments, Pages, Discussions, Quizzes, and external apps that you do not use.)
  • Validate your links in your Canvas course to ensure your content does not link to deleted versions of Kaltura.