Rutgers Canvas will remove outdated integrations for Labster and Voicethread on Monday, May 16, 2022. Newer versions of these integrations are currently available in Rutgers Canvas. The migration path from the old integration to the new integration is not seamless for instructors. Course instructors will need to edit external links in their Summer 2022 and Fall 2022 course sites to ensure you are using the newer integration.
As previously announced, Voicethread integration was upgraded on Friday, May 14, 2021, to use the latest learning tools standards. Existing Voicethread content created in Canvas will need to be edited to use the newest integration. When instructors and course editors import course content into a new course site, please review your Voicethread content after course import and re-link your Voicethread content before student submissions begin. Changing the Voicethread content to point to the new integration after student submissions will create two Voicethreads and is not recommended.
Labster will discontinue use of Common Cartridge files created in Labster and imported into Canvas. Instructors will link to Labster content using an external tool assignment and search for Labster content from within Canvas. Please review the following resources: