Decommissioning of RU-Stream Extended to May 16, 2022 - Canvas Skip to main content

Decommissioning of RU-Stream Extended to May 16, 2022


The previously announced decommissioning of RU-Stream will be extended to May 16, 2022 (originally March 1) to align with the end of the Spring Semester. Migration of content from RU-Stream (Kaltura in Blackboard & Sakai) to Rutgers Mediaspace (Kaltura in Canvas) was completed on December 29, 2021.

A review of Kaltura analytics for RU-Stream continues to show substantial activity. The extension will allow website authors and course instructors additional time to update their embed codes and share links. There is significant streaming of RU-Stream content within Rutgers Canvas as a consequence of course instructors using embed codes, rather than using the Kaltura integration in Canvas.

To help video owners identify content hosted within RU-Stream, the video player has been updated to include a title bar with notice and call-to-action buttons at the end of the video.

Image of video play with notice at top of screen
An image of an embedded video with the video title bar stating, “Video unavailable after May 16, 2022. Read notice at end.”
call-to-action buttons at the end of a video with information about decommissioning
An image of an embedded video with an overlay title and 2 buttons. The title states, “This video (embedded from RU-Stream) will be unavailable on May 16, 2022.” Buttons state “Decommissioning Notice” and “Use MediaSpace to Embed Content.”

If you have not already done so, please update your website and course content with the same video hosted on Rutgers MediaSpace and integrated in Canvas. Please reference these support articles:

For Rutgers faculty and staff who have shared links and embedded content from RU-Stream, RU-Stream will be available for view-only. RU-Stream, embedded content, and shared links will be inaccessible after May 16, 2022.

Please contact for further questions.

Rutgers Kaltura admins
Office of Information Technology – Enterprise Application Services
Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey