On August 14th, 2024, Instructure deployed an option in Discussions that allows you to disallow threaded replies and by default this was checked for all discussions unless it contained threaded replies. If a course instructor created discussions in preparation for Fall 2024, this option was checked when this feature was deployed.
Due to Canvas Community feedback, Instructure has implemented a temporary button to uncheck the option to “disallow threaded replied” for all course discussions; this button is now available in Rutgers Canvas until the end of October. Please be aware that this action will apply to all discussions in the course, not just those affected by the error, and the change is irreversible.
Course instructors will need to visit each Canvas discussion page to click the button for
- All current courses
- All past courses use (or will use) to import content into future courses (templates, last semester courses, current semester courses etc.)
Once this button has been removed by Instructure, instructors will need to edit each threaded discussion in each class to allow threaded discussions.