Action Required with Released PlayPosit Fix - Canvas Skip to main content

Action Required with Released PlayPosit Fix


As previously announced, users are experiencing issues when accessing PlayPosit content in Rutgers Canvas. On Friday, May 10, 2024, PlayPosit was upgraded to v1.3. After the upgrade, students and instructors received an LTI 1.3 error message when accessing PlayPosit content in Rutgers Canvas. Some instructors did not see their existing content since a second account was created; additionally, after completing a PlayPosit assignment in Canvas, students’ grades were not passed back to the Canvas gradebook.

On Tuesday, August 28, 2024, PlayPosit released a patch into Rutgers production instance.  This patch will prevent a second account creation and validate that all grades were sent to the Canvas gradebook. Course instructors are required to launch each PlayPosit assignment.  When a course instructor launches a PlayPosit assignment, actions  include:

  • Migrating the current PlayPosit content to use the latest LTI standards.
  • Asking instructors to select which email address associated with your Canvas account (listed under “Ways to Contact”) should be used to create/link your PlayPosit account. Instructors who have previously used PlayPosit may relink the appropriate email address if the one selected creates a new PlayPosit account.
  • Automatically check for grades that have not been sent to the Canvas gradebook.

If you experience any issues, please reach out to the Rutgers Canvas Help Desk at