Feature Release: Turnitin Feedback Studio LTI - Canvas Skip to main content

Feature Release: Turnitin Feedback Studio LTI

Turnitin – Feedback Studio

Rutgers Canvas is pleased to announce the upgrade of the Canvas integration of Turnitin’s Feedback Studio LTI from LTI 1.1 to LTI 1.3.  This upgrade provides enhanced security measures and useful features like roster syncing, simplified assignment creation, and improved grade passback services.

What is changing?

  • Canvas SpeedGrader annotation and grading tools cannot be used. LTI 1.3 supports Turnitin-based feedback/grading tools only. Student submissions will not show in Speedgrader which means that instructors cannot use Canvas rubrics to grade LTI 1.3 assignments nor can they use Speedgrader to provide feedback to submissions. In addition, a report score icon will not show in the Canvas gradebook for students or instructors.
  • All students included in a Canvas course will be automatically populated in the LTI assignment inbox (including any drop/adds that occur after the semester starts).
  • Turnitin Feedback Studio LTI 1.3 assignments are created from the Assignments tool, rather than as an external tool submission type; thus, streamlining assignment creation and workflow. Instructors will be able to select multiple existing LTI 1.3 assignments, edit assignment dates, and deploy to your Canvas course in bulk.

What is not changing?

  • Rutgers Canvas integration of Turnitin’s Canvas Plagiarism Framework is unaffected. Instructors do not need to edit Canvas assignments with Submission Type: Online and Plagiarism Review: Turnitin.
  • Feedback Studio LTI 1.3 is able to launch existing Canvas assignments using LTI 1.1. Instructors do not need to relink assignments.

What actions do I need to take?

  • Instructors should review the additional resources below.
  • After this upgrade, please view your assignments to ensure they launch properly.

If you have any questions, please contact the Rutgers Canvas Help Desk.

Additional Resources