Registration for Hypothesis Workshop Series and Hypothesis Academy - Canvas Skip to main content

Registration for Hypothesis Workshop Series and Hypothesis Academy

Rutgers Canvas is pleased to offer training by Hypothesis Instructional Design team for a series of webinars that help students engage with your instructional content.  Hypothesis is a tool that allow instructors and students to take notes, view, and reply to other notes along with other features.  Please join us for the following webinars:

Annotating Your Syllabus on January 12, 2023 at 1 PM

Asking your students to annotate their syllabus allows the instructor to introduce social annotation in a low-stake way. Instructors are allowing students to engage with their syllabus, to share ideas and ask questions about the course which sets the tone for the engagement throughout the semester.

Register for Annotating Your Syllabus on January 12, 2023 @1 PM

Annotation Starter Assignments on January 24, 2023 at 11 AM

This workshop is perfect for instructors who want to use social annotation within their courses, but who are not exactly sure how to provide guidance to their students. The Hypothesis team will review ideas for annotation starter assignments and provide and provide with ready-to-use instructions for a variety of discipline and modalities.

Register for Annotation Starter Assignment on January 24,2023 @11 AM


Social Annotation in STEM Courses on February 24, 2023 at 1 PM

The Hypothesis team will discuss how collaborative annotation with Hypothesis can be used to make students reading visible, active, and social. Even though social annotation in STEM courses may not always be obvious, its collaborative and metacognitive nature can encourage students to tackle difficult concepts in a new way.


Register for Social Annotation in STEM Courses on February 24, 2023 @1 PM

Hypothesis Academy for Rutgers Faculty

Hypothesis Academy is a two- week course to not only teach on how to use Hypothesis, but to design social annotation assignments to better support students’ learning.

By the end of the course, users will have created a Hypothesis-enabled assignments with complete assignments for students and a grading plan.

Hypothesis’ Academy Learning Goals

  1. Analyze and discuss the educational
  2. Identify the basic requirements needed to use the Hypothesis tool
  3. Set up a Hypothesis-enabled assignment in the appropriate LMS and grade the assignment
  4. Design an activity that uses social annotation with Hypothesis

Registration for Hypothesis Academy