Spring 2021 Sites Now Available - Canvas Skip to main content

Spring 2021 Sites Now Available


Spring 2021 Canvas sites

Spring 2021 course sites are now set up in Canvas.

  • Faculty assigned in the course scheduling systems will be automatically provided access to their section in Canvas.
  • Any new sections added or instructors assigned will be updated in Canvas within 24 hours.
  • Student enrollments in the Canvas site’s will fluctuate during the Spring registration period. We recommend waiting until January before sending out any communication to your students.

As a reminder, every course offerings, instructor assignments, and student enrollments will be provisioned into the Canvas LMS going forward. Instructors are not required to use Canvas until instructed by their department or upon completion of LMS migration activities.

For more information about these changes, please refer to the previous system announcement: Canvas Changes for Spring 2021.

If you are teaching in the Spring 2021 term and did not receive access to your course site, please review these instructions for Getting Access to the Live Course Site.


Switching to New Rich Content Editor

The current Rich Content Editor will be removed by Canvas on January 16th, 2021. To prevent any disruptions mid semester, the New Rich Content Editor will be enabled for Spring 2021 course. These changes will happen automatically over the next few days. No actions will need to be taken by the instructors or sub-account admins.


Canvas New Analytics Enabled

Canvas New Analytics has been enabled for all course sites. New analytics provides new features and ways to review your student’s performance. New Analytics also provides downloadable CSV files for missing assignments, late assignments, excused assignments, the class roster, and course activity data. Please see below for more information about New Analytics:

If you are teaching in the Fall 2020 term and have not previously enabled New Analytics in the course settings, then the CSV reports will not include student activity data prior to November 23rd, 2020.