Canvas Release Notes (2017-03-11) - Canvas Skip to main content

Canvas Release Notes (2017-03-11)

In an effort to continually improve Canvas, Instructure, the parent company, releases upgrades every three weeks along with Production Release Notes. Pertinent features and upgrades are listed below. You may view the full Canvas Production Release Notes for March 11, 2017, and its accompanying screencast.


Attachment Edits – If an instructor enables discussion settings to allow students to add attachments and edit discussion replies, the Edit option allows students to remove a file attached to a reply.     Currently, attachments can only be removed from the reply and cannot be replaced with another file.

Peer Review Discussion Completion – When a student completes a peer review in a graded discussion, the discussion page indicates that the peer review for a specific student has been completed. This change aligns consistency for students in peer review assignments. This feature resolves a fixed bug in Canvas:  When a student completed a peer review for a graded discussion, the discussion always provided the link to the peer review but did not indicate if the peer review had been completed. Canvas code has been updated to display notice of completed peer reviews.

Rich Content Editor 

Abbr Whitelist – The Rich Content Editor supports the abbr attribute, which supports additional accessibility context for screen readers.

Sidebar New Page Links – Rich Content Editor sidebars in the Pages and Syllabus once again include functionality to add a link to a new page, which already exists in other sidebar feature areas. This link is located in the Links tab in the Pages section. This option allows users to enter a name for a new page, which will be linked inside the Rich Content Editor. However, the new page link simply acts as a placeholder for the page and will not be added to the course until the user opens the new page, adds content, and either saves or publishes the page.


Unmute Assignment Warning – When an instructor unmutes an assignment, SpeedGrader displays a warning indicating that the assignment will be visible to all students. This change matches the behavior when an instructor unmutes an assignment in the Gradebook. Canvas Community contributions: Assignment un-mute notification in SpeedGrader

Canvas Login 

Links and Button Styling – In the Canvas login page, all hyperlinks are underlined by default. This change improves accessibility to differentiate hyperlinks from content text.