Canvas has been recently updated to include Student Context Cards and improved integration with Turnitin.
Student Context Cards
Student Context Cards allow instructors to view interactions and student data from the People tool inside a Canvas Course. Previously, when an instructor clicked on a student name, the link displays the student’s user’s details page. Now, a sidebar will display with insights and context about the students. Users with student roles will not be able to view the Student Context Card. The context is generated from grades in the Gradebook and standard page view and participation activity in course analytics. Mobile data is not included unless a user accesses Canvas directly through a mobile browser, or if a user accesses content within the mobile app that redirects to a mobile browser. The sidebar will include a profile picture, email icon, course information, last login, grades, analytics, current grade, number of missing assignments, participation activity and pages viewed. For more information on Student Context Cards, please see the latest Canvas Release Notes for February 18, 2017. Please see the Canvas Guides for more information on Student Context Cards.
Turnitin Integration with Canvas
Rutgers Turnitin integration has been updated to now pull into Turnitin information from Canvas that includes the Canvas assignment due date, available from date, assignment ID, assignment title, and assignment point value. For new users, please review your Turnitin settings and allow late submissions and save this as a default for Turnitin. It is recommended that you use Canvas assignment settings to control students’ ability to submit assignments.