Lucid Visual Collaboration Suite
Lucid Visual Collaboration Suite is a platform that helps teams collaborate visually to plan, design, build and launch solutions. It combines two products: Lucidchart and Lucidspark. Lucidchart ...
Lucid Visual Collaboration Suite is a platform that helps teams collaborate visually to plan, design, build and launch solutions. It combines two products: Lucidchart and Lucidspark. Lucidchart ...
Piazza is a Q&A platform and is integrated in Canvas. With it, instructors are able to use the power of community to help students learn since it features a Wiki style format that enables ...
Portfolium Folio Network, provided by Instructure, the parent company of Canvas, is an electronic portfolio built to showcase the achievements, projects, and competencies of students to potential ...
Search publicly available YouTube videos. Look for the YouTube icon in your course rich editor to search YouTube and click to embed videos in your course materials, discussion and quiz replies, or ...