Accessibility - Canvas Skip to main content

Rutgers University welcomes students and faculty with disabilities into all of its educational programs, and Canvas courses are no exception. To learn more about accessibility on Canvas, whether you’re building a course or simply just using the platform, check out the links below:

Training and Resources


Suggested Course Road Maps

Canvas Accessibility


Accessibility Guidelines

We’ve developed a tier system to help faculty prioritize and segment, making accessibility changes into smaller and more manageable chunks. The ultimate goal for all courses is to make a Gold Standard course. Depending on the size and make-up of your course, you may fall into one of these 3 levels. All courses should meet, at minimum, our bronze level.


Level Standard
Bronze All instructor created content must have a useful alt-text for all images. This includes documents, PowerPoint, Canvas content, etc.
Silver Students provided with instructions/ expectations on how to add alt-text to content they create.
Gold Long descriptions provided for items where alt-text is not usable.
Gold Alternative provided where long description is not usable.


Audio/Video (Pre-recorded)

Level Standard
Bronze All video content is in Kaltura.
Silver Instructor created videos all items are described.
Gold All items should have professional captioning done.
Gold Items should have extended audio descriptions available.
Bronze Auto-captions available with ability to turn on/off.


Audio/Video (Live)

Level Standard
Bronze Auto Captions available
Silver Instructor created videos all items are described
Gold All items should have a professional Caption/ASL interpreter available



All Microsoft products have an Accessibility Checker built into their products. We recommend that you run this tool to identify any accessibility issues in your document and fix them.

Level Standard
Bronze Meaningful heading structure
Bronze No use of color or shape to identify meaning
Bronze Meaningful/Descriptive Links
Bronze Accessible Tables
Bronze Use of PPT template Layouts only (PPT)
Bronze Provide clean copies of printed/scanned materials. This includes handouts, course reserves, course packs, etc.
Bronze Searchable PDFs only
Silver Color contrast meets standards in instructor generated content
Gold Alternative formats available
Gold Use high contrast text (e.g., black text on white background). Use an 11-point or larger font size.


Other Document Resources

Consult the following resources to learn more about creating an accessible source document. If the document will be saved and offered as a PDF, steps must also be taken in Adobe Acrobat Pro or another software remediation platform to ensure accessibility.

Creating accessible PDFs

Course Design

Level Standard
Bronze No flashing lights or items that may cause seizures
Bronze Consistent Navigation and course structure
Bronze Hide unused tools
Bronze Clear Technical instruction
Bronze Accessible Syllabus
Bronze Readings, test dates, assignments clearly identified along with due dates


If you need help with any of the above, or which to provide feedback please email: