Respondus Lockdown Browser – How to install two versions to use with Rutgers and another institution

The version of Lockdown Browser available in Rutgers Canvas is different from the version from other institutions or needed for certain exams offered by textbook publishers; each download file is tied to an institutional license or textbook publisher. If you need to use Lockdown Browser to take an exam or quiz in both Rutgers Canvas and another institution or through your online textbook as part of a partnership program, then you will need to install two versions of the application on your computer.

Note: The directions below assume you have the one version already installed on your computer


  1. Follow the directions to download and install Lockdown Browser.
  2. Select the option for a second institution.

    Windows Installation option to select Second Institution from the installer page.

  3. Click Next.
  4. In your Windows menu, you will now see two versions of Lockdown Browser.

    View of the Start Menu with two different versions of LockDown Browser.


  1. Navigate to your Applications folder.
  2. Locate your existing copy of Lockdown Browser.
  3. Right-click to show the mouse menu.
  4. Click Rename.
  5. Rename the application to include version (School 1 Name).
  6. Follow the directions to download and install Lockdown Browser. You may opt to rename the second version for Canvas.

    View of the Finder with two different versions of LockDown Browser.